Luz de Sincrotrón: Una herramienta única de caracterización para Pinturas y Recubrimientos

Time: 10:00 am - 10:30 am

Date: 21/11/24

21-11-24 10:00 21-11-24 10:30 Europe/London Luz de Sincrotrón: Una herramienta única de caracterización para Pinturas y Recubrimientos

ALBA synchrotron is a set of electron accelerators designed to generate synchrotron light, which provides unique information about the composition and structure of materials down to the atomic scale. Synchrotron light can be very valuable for the research and development of new materials and fabrication processes. For example, in the field of coatings and paints… Read more »

Paint & Coatings


ALBA synchrotron is a set of electron accelerators designed to generate synchrotron light, which provides unique information about the composition and structure of materials down to the atomic scale. Synchrotron light can be very valuable for the research and development of new materials and fabrication processes. For example, in the field of coatings and paints it has been used to analyse and improve the composition and colour properties of pigments, to evaluate the quality of surfaces, to identify surface defects of coatings at the atomic level and help understand their origin, or to characterize the interface between materials. In summary, ALBA synchrotron stands as a pivotal tool to access unique information regarding the intricate nature of matter for the paints and coatings industry.


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