Complejidad reducida, rendimiento mejorado en formulaciones a base de agua: acrílicos inherentemente mate y funcionalidad catiónica sin problemas de compatibilidad

Time: 2:50 pm - 3:10 pm

Date: 21/11/24

21-11-24 14:50 21-11-24 15:10 Europe/London Complejidad reducida, rendimiento mejorado en formulaciones a base de agua: acrílicos inherentemente mate y funcionalidad catiónica sin problemas de compatibilidad

The portfolio of the Paints & Coatings Division serves a wide range of end-use applications from the industrial coatings and graphic arts sectors. We offer technologies and materials for the treatment and coating of surfaces such as wood, paper, metal, textile and concrete for best results. Innovative polymer technologies, tailored to the application and requirements… Read more »

Paint & Coatings


The portfolio of the Paints & Coatings Division serves a wide range of end-use applications from the industrial coatings and graphic arts sectors. We offer technologies and materials for the treatment and coating of surfaces such as wood, paper, metal, textile and concrete for best results. Innovative polymer technologies, tailored to the application and requirements of our customers, provide the necessary “plus” in the formulation.
The first technology we will discuss will be interpenetrating polymer network where two different ionic structures in the same polymer network at a neutral pH. These polymers have a general anionic behavior combined with cationic functionalities so we will have the benefits of a cationic acrylic without the usual compatibility problems.
A coating with low gloss and high transparency is the basis for a matte finish without affecting the color strength and thus, leading to a very natural wood even with dark tones. Besides other negative effects on the coating performance, this combination of low gloss and high transparency is where conventional matting agents like silica or waxes reach their technical boundaries. The work presented here outlines the development and application data of an inherently matte, water-borne acrylic polymer. After drying, a film with low gloss, high flexibility, excellent resistance and above all, excellent transparency is formed.


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