¿Cómo afrontar la sedimentación de pinturas y tintas?

Time: 4:30 pm - 4:50 pm

Date: 21/11/24

21-11-24 16:30 21-11-24 16:50 Europe/London ¿Cómo afrontar la sedimentación de pinturas y tintas?

Formulating, dispersing, stabilizing and in some cases re-dispersing is a common task in ink and paint laboratories. Being able to quickly and objectively control, that is, numerically, the sedimentation and/or agglomeration speed of our recipe reduces response times and helps us optimize resources. Comparing additives, reformulating with the new more sustainable guidelines, improving application properties,… Read more »

Paint & Coatings


Formulating, dispersing, stabilizing and in some cases re-dispersing is a common task in ink and paint laboratories. Being able to quickly and objectively control, that is, numerically, the sedimentation and/or agglomeration speed of our recipe reduces response times and helps us optimize resources. Comparing additives, reformulating with the new more sustainable guidelines, improving application properties, all this leads us to a large number of studies that must be discriminated. With TURBISCAN you ensure faster detection and optimization of your R&D efforts with precise technology: SMLS.
Do not use visual perception anymore with TURBISCAN you can measure the degree of sedimentation and particle size of your suspensions or emulsions non-destructively and in a short time. Faster and more effective responses to any variation of your formula.


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