Técnicas de Caracterización para Pinturas y Recubrimientos

Time: 4:10 pm - 4:30 pm

Date: 21/11/24

21-11-24 16:10 21-11-24 16:30 Europe/London Técnicas de Caracterización para Pinturas y Recubrimientos

Currently, the characterization of a material encompasses a wide range of physical and chemical techniques, some of them relatively simple, such as apparent density, particle size distribution, and zeta potential; and others more complex, such as X-ray diffraction, mechanical surface characterization, etc. However, it is the synergy among the variety of available techniques that allows… Read more »

Paint & Coatings


Currently, the characterization of a material encompasses a wide range of physical and chemical techniques, some of them relatively simple, such as apparent density, particle size distribution, and zeta potential; and others more complex, such as X-ray diffraction, mechanical surface characterization, etc. However, it is the synergy among the variety of available techniques that allows for a better understanding of the characteristics, properties, advantages, and disadvantages of our material, as well as its behavior during application.

This presentation evaluates some of the different characterization techniques that can be used for the analysis of materials used in applications such as pigments and paints, as well as for coating to improve the functionality of treated surfaces.

We will evaluate, for example:

How particle size helps us control properties such as color and powder pigment flowability.
How we can characterize the adhesion of coatings to the substrate to be improved.
How scratch techniques can help us evaluate coatings with regenerative capacity.


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